Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Swami Mayur's talks on love!

Love......this four letters have been the biggest phenomenon in the history of mankind. There have been lot of views and debates over this topic and the same will continue till the judgment day.

I always think about why people talk so much about a thing that they feel is immensely personal? Why this topic is getting hotter when we are preferring personal life over open one? Why love is becoming a social topic when other things are actually going in reverse way?

No one knows whats love. It might be the combination of thoughts of 6 billion people living on this planet.

I feel love is nothing but just a special connection of two hearts. Love doesn't come alone, It needs companions such as trust, understanding, support, companionship, lust, friendship and a whole lotta things to happen. In short, love is close friendship+lust(I know it's a matter of debate but IN MY OWN WAY I feel so)

I have thousands of as weird ideas as I'm about love. Sometimes I think of unconditional love, sometimes I turn bit practical and think about future and sometimes I don't think of love at all.

We talk a lot about ideal match and stuff. What exactly it is? Can't two really close friends with a strong affection and trust be companions for life? This world is hell confusing...Science is far more simpler than this


Preeti said...! love n me r like far far away n i dno ifi cn comment on this at all :D

u shud probably read my previous posts to knw what im talkin abt..!

i dno wat love is but iv heard its real nice to be in love...maybe sometime soon my day would come...? :)

Keshi said...

nice post Mayur.

I say there's no single definiton for LOVE. Everyone has their own definition of it and cos of that, LOVE is the most DIVERSE emotion on Earth!


Keshi said...

btw come play the game in my blog ;-)


Ever Hopeful said...

Hi mayur

Yes science is lot more easier than LOVE, physics and chemistry seem so easy.

Anonymous said...

love is like a narcotic, u may enjoy it, u get addicted, and u might be doomed!

Blue Cloud said...

I ever read somewhere about what is love.
"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It takes root and grows, one day at a time."
"Love is the quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It is real. It gives you strength and grows beyond you - to bolster your beloved. You are warmed by their presence, even when they are away. Miles do not separate you. You have so many wonderful little films in your head that you keep replaying. But near or far, you know they are yours, and you can wait."
But for me, Love is special feelings of human cant defi

Blue Cloud said...

Your definition are very speacial too." Love is friendship + lust"
Someone said that "Love is not based on sex. It is the maturation of friendship, which makes sex so much sweeter. You must be friends before you can be lovers." I agree with that idea and I also like this idea"Love means trust. You are calm, secure and unthreatened. They feel your trust, and it makes them even more trustworthy."
In short, ur thinking are nice...nice post May!