Thursday, March 13, 2008

Needs, wants , development, demands, growth, GDP ....

"What is development?" I always ask the question to myself looking at the flourishing malls and other so called development signs when I pass by.
The question is bugging me from last many days and I'm not really able to find a justifiable answer to the same.
We often compare India with developed countries and keep talking about how things can be done better here. From last few years we are really experiencing the superficial growth symbols which has touched only 28% of population. We always talk about a great deals of plans to improve infrastructure and quality of life but India has greatly failed to bring smiles on the faces of most, if not all, citizens.
I'm not here to give lecture on farmers and their suicides because I don't have time to keep chewing the gum. My point is why are we happy when our economy is being holed because of virtual happinesses?
We often talk about billion dollar acquisition deals by indian companies, number of Indians in forbes list and many other things which doesn't make sense to our lives but do we really take care to improve the way things are going on? Do we really analyze the long term impacts of this short-lived relationship with virtual development?
I'm sure most of us(I was in the same list a while back) are so much into our comfort zones that we don't think what would be prices of grains when there would be no-one to farm here. Farming, the backbone of Indian economy and the gonna-be hot sector due to population explosion has no-one to look after as everybody is running behind ipods and malls. This is really going to be crucial within next few years when oil supply will go down and basic needs(food,shelter, clothing) would come in forth.
We Indians are so much into 9% GDP growth thing that we are patting our own back and dreaming about our glossy future as a global power. Lots of studies have predicted India as the 2nd biggest economy after China somewhere around 2050. What the hell are we going to do with the crown in 2050? And is it really going to happen with diminishing oil supply and the growing gap between social layers?
It's really easy and feel-good thing to see glossy pictures about red-carpets but the reality is quite harsh. We were evaded and robbed by many and we started off from a scratch just since 1950s. We always wish to be like EU nations which put centuries in development process. We are trying to reduce the social imbalance by the means of reservation but have we ever though of minimizing the economical as well as the skill gap which is still there? What if the next generation of farmers give up farming considering the flashy atmosphere in cities? What if there would be no means to fulfill our basic needs? I'm not an economist nor a anthropologist. It's just that I care about my own future!


Amit said...

The way inflation rate is growing.. we are no where to become a super power country by 2050. These all flashy dreams are bullshit..

The real fact is we all are getting poorer day by day...and all these things like fuel, gold, power or so.... are not in our control/hand.

God help us as the future after 5-10 yrs will e horrible..!

Mayur said...

You are right Amit.
The picture looks perfect but it's not....
We are so much flattered with the recent growth in cities that we are feeling like whole India is developing the the same way.
Also, the environmental factors like inflation, pollution, saturation are becoming uncontrollable day by day......
We are developing but the development is not sustained! It has no logic behind it.....
If I were one of the policy makers, I would have opted for 5% growth rate targeting all the segments instead of 9% focusing just 30% junta.

Mayur said...

China did the same couple of years back. They knew they were going too fast that they didn't pay attention towards rural region.
As a remedy, they applied breaks to their economy in order to develop these region.
I would appreciate such policy but sadly, ours is a vote based government.
The best stratagy these politicians do is "Talk about a lot of things but never fulfill any. This is the way to keep people dreaming about them. People will spend 4 years dreaming about development and then again listen to your fake promises for an year." The cycle moves on...
I feel India needs a dictator in order to survive in this virtual power game!

Keshi said...

My Need right now is a Boyfriend?LOL Mayur hows ya?


Mayur said...

Well Keshi,

lemme find out some hunks for you...LOL

Mayur said...

m nt a bad option either:D Juz kiddin...

Keshi said...

lol ur sooo funny Mayur!
